The First Lesson  &  Six Week Starter Program

Thank you for taking the time to actively think about your lesson plans and for preparing for the forum. The aim of the questionnaire is to get you thinking & preparing before attending the forum so that you can refer to your answers and share with the group during discussions. There are no right or wrong answers here, just idea sharing.

Please fill out the form to the best of your ability, there are no required questions on the form so you are free to answer as much or as little as you like.

Before you proceed, please note that a copy of this document will be sent to yourself and a copy will be saved on the Twirling NSW database for educational puropses. This information will not be shared outside of the committee. If you do not wish to share with Twirling NSW, please download the PDF below. Otherwise please continue to the form.

Use the columns below to jot down the activities and skills you would usually deliver to new students – from first lesson to end of term.

They don't have to be in any specific order.

What would your typical first lesson look like - think brand new student, has never seen or heard of baton twirling before.

Fill in the table below. You can be as general or specific as you like.

Once again, thank you for actively participating in the forum. Your participation is greatly appreciated and together we will build the necessary resources to continue supporting our great sport.

By submitting the form you understand that a copy will be sent to yourself and a copy will be saved on the Twirling NSW database for educational puropses. This information will not be shared outside of the committee. If you do not wish to share with Twirling NSW, please download the PDF above. *